Blog & Tips
Interview a word you hear more often than you would like especially towards the end of your school years, but one that does not always make sense. You have floods of career guidance exhibitions, stalls, experienced professionals who sit with you and walk you through your options too. Still though, you are all the more confused. Not to mention absolutely terrified. One of the best ways to keep moving forward without being held back is to get rid of that fear. Fear can be crippling. Regardless of what it is you are scared of, it is difficult to get a grip on the matter if you are only focused on what scares you. Practice channeling that fear into energy or motivation that will help you ace your way into that job. In the meanwhile, consider these tips.
Play the Part:
If you have applied for a job then for the most part you have some idea of what you want from it. And at the same time, you have some idea of what you need to give back. Visualising yourself in that role (no matter how scary the looming interview might seem), can be extremely useful. That will also help you to work your way through your fear since you will be instilling confidence in yourself. This is something the interviewer will catch onto right away so just play the part and be comfortable in the role you are applying for.
Research, Research, Research:
It is quite unbelievable how in this day and age, when information is literally at our fingertips, we can afford to waltz into an interview with no solid information about the company. There is nothing that leaves a worse taste in the interviewer’s mouth than this. Why on earth would they want to trust you working for them, when you have not even bothered to know them better? The Internet is now more a staple than a luxuries so immerse yourself in research. Get to know the organisation like the back of your hand.
The End:
Very much like the end of a presentation, you need to go for confidence. Confidence in yourself for having done a good job, believing you gave it your best shot and anticipating that next call. Once you finish your interview, even if you made a few mistakes, brush them off. Use a firm handshake, make eye contact and walk away with a smile. You want to leave a good impression behind after all!
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